Peace | The Podcast
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community, located in Shoreview, Minnesota. Most of what you will hear are the Sunday morning messages. Peace is a community that is reconciling and growing FOR EVERYONE.
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Post-Election Reflections
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
On Sunday, November 10th, Pastor Jason opened the service with some reflections on the national election that resulted in the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.
In his remarks, Jason mentioned an email that was sent to the members of Peace. The content of that email is below.
If you are fearful or hurting. If you are scared and need someone to speak with. If you are simply looking for connection and feel alone. Please contact us.
Church Email
How we 'vote' on November 6th and Everyday... Like many of you, I was up late into the morning hours watching the results of the 2024 Presidential Election and other down-ballot races. I've spent the better part of today trying to put into words what I feel and how I am able to 'show up' for people in this moment. I've read some social media posts from friends, connected with a few people close to me, but mostly tried to just process my own complex (and sleep-deprived) thoughts. I keep circling back to the final message of the Politics & Power sermon series and the story of Rizpah...the mother who lost her two sons to a political maneuver, but courageously kept loving and serving and showing up until those in power finally took notice. For some people the results last night were disheartening, jarring, and frustrating.For some people the results last night were vindicating, exciting, and thrilling.And still for others, the results last night create real fear.I'd like to take a moment to write to each of those groups of people. These thoughts are one-part pastoral, one-part personal, and all meant to be given in love. To those who are disheartened, jarred, and frustrated...Your heart will hurt when hope feels dashed. Anger will be quick to rise up from your gut, and wants to lash out at whatever target is closest. Disillusionment and bewilderment will flood your senses. It's okay to cry, shake your fist, and want to scream. It's okay if these feelings last longer than other people think they should. It's okay if you feel these things in your body and need some self-care...our bodies tend to keep score when our brains tell us we should move on. It's also okay if you find yourself doing better than you expected. Feel all of the feelings. Take all the deep breaths. Go for all the long walks. Listen to all the podcasts or ignore everything. But then the question will become - what are you going to do now? If you're angry, where will you direct that anger. Will it go towards making the divides in our country more deeply engrained? Or, will it go towards reaching out to the hurting and scared and being a safe place? Will it go towards the hard next step of getting back to the work of compassion? How will you 'vote' on Nov 6th and everyday hereafter?To those who are vindicated, excited, and thrilled...Last night was a big night. You received good news after good news after good news. And there is excitement about what the next days, weeks, months, and four years will hold. There is hope that your vision for this country could come to fruition. It's good to be happy. For some of you, this excitement is because you have been all-in! You want to see all the promises kept. You want to see vindication at every level. For some of you, this moment is a tempered one. You are glad for the result, but nervous about what it could actually mean. Which parts of the vision were hyperbole and which were serious? Which promises were to attract votes, and which promises could really come to pass? Will the policies that you support be the ones acted upon, or will the parts that caused you pause be the first to be pushed forward?Please remember that in winning there is a responsibility to lead. And leadership is about service. Seek understanding from those who are hurting. Don't reject them or demean them. Give them space, while being ready to be hospitable. And even though your candidate(s) won on election night, you still get to 'vote' on November 6th and everyday hereafter. Be mindful of your posture. To those who are fearful...To my friends who are undocumented and have worked hard to provide a better life for your are seen.To my friends with Temporary Protected Status and have lived here for years or are seen.To my friends who are trans and worry about access to health care and feel attacked by the millions of dollars in attack are seen.To my friends who are women and worry about your reproductive health and access to life-saving are seen.To my friends who are concerned about the future of our planet and the needed response to climate are seen.To my friends who have been affected by gun violence and worry that change will never are seen.To my many other friends who are fearful for the myriad of reasons I failed to mention...we are here for you. Don't be in fear alone. Reach out and find safe spaces. When you are able, tell your story. You are a Rizpah!November 5th was a day that our country voted. But tomorrow and everyday hereafter, we all continue to 'vote' by living into the type of body politic we want to be. May we choose one another. May we choose love. May we choose hope. Sincerely, Jason
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
If It Wasn't For The Women...Ruth | Rev Linda Koelman
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
"If it wasn't for the women..."
This phrase was uttered at the end of a long discussion about the grieving mother Rizpah. A group of pastors had discussed the tragic story of Rizpah's great loss and her courage to model love and justice in the face of great political and personal turmoil. And at the end, a hush came over the group as we sat in the midst of her story, thinking about the reality...'if it wasn't for the women..."
Too often the stories of women in the Bible are side-notes, supporting characters in the larger stories about the patriarchs of the faith. We know all too well the stories of Abraham, Moses, and David; but little about the stories of Rebekah, Vashti, Ruth, and others...some who even go unnamed in the text.
This series is about 5 women who helped shape the trajectory of the faith. Through their courage, leadership, example, and faith, they have shaped history and how we understand what it means to follow Christ.
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
October 27th | Vashti & Esther (Esther 1) | Rev Joretta Marshall
November 3rd | Ruth (Ruth 1) | Rev Linda Koelman
November 10th | The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15) | Rev Elaine Shelby
November 17th | Rebekah (Genesis 24) | Pastor Jason Steffenhagen
November 24th | Lisa Adams
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
If It Wasn't For The Women...Vashti & Esther | Rev Joretta Marshall
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
"If it wasn't for the women..."
This phrase was uttered at the end of a long discussion about the grieving mother Rizpah. A group of pastors had discussed the tragic story of Rizpah's great loss and her courage to model love and justice in the face of great political and personal turmoil. And at the end, a hush came over the group as we sat in the midst of her story, thinking about the reality...'if it wasn't for the women..."
Too often the stories of women in the Bible are side-notes, supporting characters in the larger stories about the patriarchs of the faith. We know all too well the stories of Abraham, Moses, and David; but little about the stories of Rebekah, Vashti, Ruth, and others...some who even go unnamed in the text.
This series is about 5 women who helped shape the trajectory of the faith. Through their courage, leadership, example, and faith, they have shaped history and how we understand what it means to follow Christ.
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
October 27th | Vashti & Esther (Esther 1) | Rev Joretta Marshall
November 3rd | Ruth (Ruth 1) | Rev Linda Koelman
November 10th | The Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15) | Rev Elaine Shelby
November 17th | Rebekah (Genesis 24) | Pastor Jason Steffenhagen
November 24th | Lisa Adams
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Politics & Power | Rizpah | Pt 6
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Third Oracle of Balaam (Numbers 24) - How does a blessing in the Wilderness impact our posture today
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Politics & Power | The Cross and The Sword | Pt 5
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Third Oracle of Balaam (Numbers 24) - How does a blessing in the Wilderness impact our posture today
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (1 Corinthians 11) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Politics & Power | The Third Oracle of Balaam | Pt 4
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Third Oracle of Balaam (Numbers 24) - How does a blessing in the Wilderness impact our posture today
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Politics & Power | Give to Caesar | Pt 3
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Third Oracle of Balaam (Numbers 24) - How does a blessing in the Wilderness impact our posture today
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Politics & Power | Established by God | Pt 2
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Humble Christ (Philippians 2) - Why did God become human, especially an oppressed one
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Politics & Power | Prophets, Kings, and The People | Pt 1
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
The Bible is an incredibly political book. From kings and their kingdoms to prophets speaking truth to power. From a God who liberates the oppressed to a Jesus killed on a Roman cross. What might the stories we find in Scripture be inviting us into this fall?
The Sunday Sermon Schedule
(Podcasts drop on the following Tuesday):
September 8th | Prophets, Kings, and The People (Deuteronomy 17) - How the form of political structures impacts our responsibility
September 15th | Established by God (Romans 13) - What does Paul mean when he says that authorities are 'established by God'
September 22nd | Give to Caesar (Mark 12) - Did Jesus tell people to pay their taxes...and what else was he trying to say
September 29th | The Humble Christ (Philippians 2) - Why did God become human, especially an oppressed one
October 6th | The Cross and the Sword (Luke 22) - What type of power does Jesus invite us into and how does that differ from Christian Nationalism
October 13th | Rizpah (2 Samuel 21) - What can a concubine of King Saul teach us about politics and power
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Off-Season Workouts | Engaging the Sacred Pathways
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
This summer at Peace we will focus on spiritual training. Like our physical bodies need exercise and proper nutrition, our spiritual lives need to be built up. The Apostle Paul talks about training to win the race (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
What does it mean to win?
How do we train?
How should we run?
Pastor and author, Gary Thomas, wrote a book called Sacred Pathways, describing and outlining nine ways that people naturally engage faith and experience God. As people are unique, the ways we engage God and faith will be different for many of us. Therefore, we will not only learn about, but experience the nine pathways this summer.
Not every week will have a sermon...most weeks won't. Instead, be prepared to experience faith in unique ways.
Our hope is that as the political and societal atmosphere can get contentious during a challenging election season, if our spiritual lives (our spiritual muscles) are built up, we can show up with more space for grace, kindness, and self-control. We can offer a better path of love, belonging, justice, and mercy...not just a path of bitterness and cynicism.
This podcast is from Peace, A United Methodist Community in Shoreview, MN.
Our intro and outro music is Unstoppable by Ketsa.
Additional music is by Three Music.
Peace | United Methodist Community
reconciling and growing for everyone
partnering with God to experience the flourishing of all things
affirming all people as a gift of God’s love through a careful use of language in our liturgy and music, while celebrating and including all people at every level of leadership and service
Peace | The Podcast
May this space be one of welcome FOR EVERYONE. Peace is an inclusive community that is modeled after the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. Our hope is that these messages encourage, challenge, and move people towards all that God not only intends for their lives, but for the building of God's beautiful community on earth as it is in heaven.